Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Black and White

This assignment was to take some images to make a photo look like it was meant to be a black and white photo. Also the assignment tested how creative you could be because taking black and white photos are very difficult to take.


ISO: 64
Aperture: f/4
Shutter Speed: 1/125

During this assignment i learned many things including how interesting and creative you can make any black and white photos because it adds so many detail by just allowing two colors to show.

Friday, May 27, 2011


This assignment was to choose 4 different words and select pictures to define and describe each word and also include the real definition in words on the same page.

During this assignment i learned many new tools that will help me edit photos from now on. some things i learned were the erase tool to erase the top layer to allow the back layer to show and how to alter and changes photos that were not originally mine, but make it look like mine.

Monday, May 23, 2011


This assignment was to get a close up photo using the "macro" setting on the camera and reveal detail that not many people always see.



ISO: 200
Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/30

Some things that I learned during this assignment was the importance of each photo taken and also how unique each photo is no matter what it is. I also became more familiar with the macro button on the camera to get a higher quality picture.

Friday, May 20, 2011


This assignment was to take a portrait of a person in a studio with lights in specific locations to light up the subject to its best ability. We also had to take another portrait near a window using the natural light from outside to light up the subject's face.

During this assignment I learned a lot of preparation and planning is necessary to take a quality photo unlike what i thought before where you can take a quick photo, then your done. I also learned  the ability to show somebodies personality and happiness in a still photo

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gimp 4 :School Content

This project was to capture a image of the school and make it look like a different place. some examples are making the hall way a race track or what i did which was making the road a river.

During this project i learned that a picture can be changed drastically from its original photo. I also realized how interesting you could make a photo look just by changing simple things on it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Still Life

This assignment was to take a photo that has been arranged similar to an advertising company which is often shot in a studio so we had to make it look is professional as possible.



Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter Speed:1/30

During this assignment i learned a lot including the amount of time the preparation for each photo that is necessary for each picture. I also learned how to edit the photo to be more detailed and higher quality.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gimp 3 Motion

During this assignment i learned it is not very easy to get a motion photo because you need to follow the moving object as fast as it is going.

This assignment was to take a photo  in motion and capture the object to look clear and make the background look blurry. 


Monday, May 9, 2011


This assignment was to capture activity and or nature of an animal.

ISO: 200
F stop: 2.4
Shutter Speed: 1/40

During this i learned many things including lots of patience in order to catch the true nature of the animals. i also learned to always carry the camera with me because you never know when you will need it to take a good quality.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gimp 3 Pano

This assignment was to take three images overlapping only about 10% to 20%. Then put them together and edit the three photos to look like one by editing the color tones and multiple other things.

During this assignment i learned many new editing options on gimp including the scale tool which i used to match the three photos and the curves tool which allowed me to blend the different shades of color to mend together and look natural. Another thing i learned was a photo is never truly done editing because there is always something to change or edit to increase the quality of the photo, but you need to stop when it is at its best quality.

Monday, May 2, 2011


This assignment was to take pictures of food that explains the true view of the things we eat everyday and show images that make our mouth water.

Aperture: 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/30

During this project i learned that it takes a lot of patience and creativity to take a picture of food because food is a very difficult subject to capture and to make it look appealing. Another thing i learned was to edit my photos t be more detailed